The Little Messaging Book

Getting started building robust .NET applications with Rebus

Do you wish for a programming model that lends itself well to the requirements of modern, integrated software systems?
Would you like to build systems that can survive anything from high load to server crashes?
Do you want to host your systems in the cloud, on-premise, or would you like to be able to do both?
The Little Messaging Book gives an introduction to enterprise integration in the form of messaging patterns, using the free open source .NET service bus, Rebus, for all examples. This way, the book can work as both an introduction to messaging as well as an implementation guideline for Rebus developers.

Rebus is a free open source .NET service bus. It comes in the form of a .NET library that provides ready-made, yet flexible and extensible, implementations of several useful messaging patterns.

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Rebus Pro is the commercial add-on to Rebus, which is the natural next step for bigger projects that require a formal support agreement and additional tooling.

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The Little Messaging Book is written by Mogens Heller Grabe, the author of Rebus. He swings the code hammer during the day in his company, Rebus FM, and then he brews beer and open source software during the night at The Alley Beer Company and rebus-org.

Copyright (c) 2018 Rebus FM